Specific dances

Hi there,
I wonder if there is a possibility to name specific dances in Iconclass. For instance: Minuet (Das Menuett (Familienszene) | Johann Joseph Zoffany | Bildindex der Kunst & Architektur - Bildindex der Kunst & Architektur - Startseite Bildindex) or tango (Tango | Max Beckmann | Bildindex der Kunst & Architektur - Bildindex der Kunst & Architektur - Startseite Bildindex), maybe using 43C96 with addition (minuet)?


sounds like a good idea.
We could indeed gather all dances with a specific name at one place, and 43C96(…) would then be a logical choice.
Cross references to other systems like wikidata’s pages on ballroom dance or group dances which both have numerous links to named dances can then be collected here. To distinguish their formal properties - solo dance, a couple dancing, etcetera - the existing concepts can be used and then combined with a named entity in 43C96(…), e.g.
43C94 group dancing
43C96(CANCAN) dance (with NAME) N.B.: this link does not work as the concept does not yet exist …

or: (example Etienne created using AI):

43C92 one pair dancing; man and woman dancing as a couple
43C96(TANGO) dance (with NAME)