All and any info about stained glass, more specific post modern glass. Thank you in advance for this wonderful opportunity.
D. van Speybroeck, Kerkramen. In: J. de Wal (red.) Hedendaagse kunst in Nederlandse kerken 1990-2015 (SKKN, Utrecht z.j.) pp165-171.
J.F.A. Kroesen e.a. (red.) Religieuze ruimte, kerkbouw, kerkinrichting, religieuze kunst. Feestbundel voor Regn. Steensma (Zoetermeer 2002). Raadpleeg o.m. lijst van publicaties.
W. Becker (red.) Broken Glass, Glas in kunst en architectuur. Tent, public Heerlen 2005 (Köln 2005).
You will find hundreds of stained glass windows from recent decades with Iconclass subject indexing on the Stained Glass in Wales catalogue
I am also working on the cataloguing of new experimental works in architectural glass, using new techniques, from Swansea College of Art, which I hope will be available soon.