Group of random samples of xy images

Quick help?

I have noticed some changes in the interface. Generally I appreciate all updates and additions, but I find it difficult to explain it to my students, especially to my design-students.

If it says " Here is a random sample of 49 images, of the 474 in total." where would I find the link to the total group of images? I can click-link on the thumbnails from the selection but I would still like to see the full group.

Can you help?

Best, Sabine

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Dear Sabine,

At the moment, the images are only shown as a sample, there is no facility to browse the full set, or to for example filter the search further.
The purpose of the current version is not to find images, but to find notations, to help those who would like to describe an image they already have.

To add such a feature would need some design and development work. Are you interested in doing a design workshop of a few days with your students to design this?

I would love to, but my students are more visual artists, not coders. Unfortunately I cannot help. I myself am completely helpless in this regard.
I just remembered, that the fill sample used to be visible.
Or not?